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Exterior & Architectural Modification Request
In accordance with the Covenants & Restrictions for Seven Lakes, the undersigned Homeowner hereby requests approval by Seven Lakes Homeowner’s Association, Inc. (“Association”) for an exterior modification to the exterior of the home.
In keeping with the Covenants & Restrictions, the undersigned Homeowner acknowledges that he/she is responsible for the cost of constructing, maintaining, repairing and insuring the improvements resulting from such exterior modifications. It is also solely the responsibility of the home owner to ensure all changes are within their property boundary’s and setbacks. Homeowner to ensure all permits necessary are applied for and modification meets local building code requirements.
Proposed plans for the Exterior Modifications are submitted herewith and the undersigned Homeowner agrees to comply with the other provisions of the
Covenants & Restrictions
with respect to the proposed alterations.
The information required to complete this form include:
- Contractor Name & company phone number
- Type of Modification
- Building Material description
- Drawings
- Plot Plan which identifies property borders
How to get a Plat Plan
Indicates required field
Date of Request
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Phone Number
Please note: this submission acts as approval for your email to be added to the HOA mail list. If at any time you would like to remove it please send a request to
[email protected]
Who will be performing the work?
Contractor *
If Contractor, please list contractors name
Type of Modification
. Paint
. Roof
. Room Addition - permit required
. Windows
. Entry Doors/Garage Doors
. Deck
. Patio/Screen Enclosure/Storage Space
. Pool/Hot Tub/Spa
. Playground equipment
. Other **
If other please describe:
Provide description of proposed changes
Include drawings and a plot plan that labels the house, yard and proposed change with the distance to property border
Max file size: 20MB
Upload your plot plan with proposed changes
Attached drawings follow an architectural design with materials the same as others on the property.
List of materials is also attached.
Work to begin only after written approval from HOA Board
My electronic signature submittal constitutes certification to the Declarant that my requested Exterior modification, if approved by the Declarant, will be completed exactly in accordance with all plans, drawings and descriptions submitted. Such plans, drawings, and descriptions are hereby attached as addendum to this request.
I further understand that should a need arise for any variation of the plans, drawings, or descriptions attached to this structural modification, all details of the variation shall be submitted to the Board with request for approval or disapproval prior to implementation of any variation.
You will receive a response back within one week acknowledging receipt and requesting additional information if needed.
Please allow up to three weeks to complete the approval process.
Submit Modification Request