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Landscaping Modification Request
In accordance with the Covenants & Restrictions (C&R’s) for the Seven Lakes Subdivision, the Homeowner hereby requests approval by the Homeowners Association, Inc. to make changes to the yard area. In accordance with the C&R’s, the Homeowner acknowledges that he/she is responsible for the cost of constructing, maintaining, repairing the improvements resulting from such landscape modification.
The information required to complete this form include:
- Contractor Name & company phone number
- Type of Modification
- Building Material description
- Type of plants including height & width
- Plot Plan which identifies property borders
How to get a Plat Plan
Indicates required field
Date of Request
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Phone Number
Who will be performing the work?
Contractor *
If Contractor, please list contractors name
Type of Modification
. Landscaping
. Yard Art
. Fence
. Driveway extension
. Other **
If other please describe:
Provide description of proposed landscape change
Identify plants – name, height, width when fully grown
Provide a description of materials, i.e. plants, fence, building materials etc.
Include a plot plan that labels the house, yard and proposed change with the distance to property border
Max file size: 20MB
Upload your plot plan with proposed changes
Attach additional documents if needed
Max file size: 20MB
My electronic signature submittal constitutes and certifies that my requested Landscape Modification, if approved will be completed exactly in accordance with all plans, drawings and descriptions. If changes to the original request are required the changes will be submitted for approval.
You will receive a response back within one week acknowledging receipt and requesting additional information if needed.
Please allow up to three weeks to complete the approval process.